This category contains converters for unified signals (voltage 0 - 10 V, current 0(4) - 20 mA). These converters can process signals from various sensors. Measured-out values are then sent as a digital data to your system.
Analogue signals 0-10V and 0(4)-20mA are unified signals from many sensors, measurement devices and gauges. This category contains converters from AD4 product line, with help of those you can easily convert analogue signals to a standard interface as RS232, RS485, USB or Ethernet.
Analog measurement module AD4ETH is a four input A/D converter allowing you to measure up to four an...
AD4USB measuring converter is a 4-input A/D converter which enables the user to measure to four curr...
DA2ETH is a universal converter with analog output used for control and regulation. Two independent ...
Analog measurement module AD4RS is a four input A/D converter allowing you to measure up to four ana...
DA2RS is a universal converter with analog output used for control and regulation. Two independent a...
DSA2 with two channels can convert the temperature from the connected DS18B20 sensor to an analog ou...